The products last for a long time due to the gases formed around the product in the sealed package, due that it also reduces the respiration of stored fruits and vegetables. The CO2 generated in the package should be elevated of by preventing the CO2 produced by the product. This process must takes place very quickly, avoiding conditions of disease or damage for the fresh products from high CO2 levels. The Lifepack® bag eliminate the possibility of decomposition, deterioration, grease and maturation. Our bag enriches the modified atmosphere providing the optimum humidity and completely prevent weight loss in fruits and vegetables. Our Lifepack® bag does not create a water-saturated atmosphere that could cause the microbes spreading caused by the packaging of fresh products. You can choose our brand according to your packaging and shipping needs.

The Lifepack® bag eliminate the possibility of decomposition, deterioration, grease and maturation.

You can package retail products more easily with Lifepack® brand packages. You can choose printed.

Lifepack® Carry Bag with Antifog solutions help reduce spoilage and waste by offering long shelf lives.
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